Redmond Precision Armament
Terms and Conditions
Thank you for choosing Redmond Precision Armament!
We wanted to take a moment and let you know a few of Redmond Precision Armament’s policies -
All sales are considered final. Redmond Precision Armament will make every possible attempt to assist with manufacturer defects.
There is a card fee of 3% over $100.00 or $3.00 under $100.00 associated with all credit card transactions. The cash discount will not reflect this fee when paying with cash or check.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any point in a transaction.
Items unable to be transferred for any reason (most commonly background check failure) are subject to the following fees - 30% of the items total value for incoming transfers or purchased items and 50% for all special order items. Additional shipping fees on denied items are $299.99 for NFA items, $149.99 for all other items.
Items requested to be shipped back to an online retailer or other retailer are subject to a $49.99 transfer handling fee plus actual shipping costs. These costs must be paid before shipping. Please note - untimely requests made to your seller may result in a rejection of your RMA depending on the seller. This is your responsibility.
As a reminder, if you are purchasing or transferring a semi-automatic rifle in Washington State (SAR as defined by the Washington State Legislature) transferee must to take an I-1639/I-1143 compliant class BEFORE the transfer. One such course can be found HERE. Please have the certificate printed or otherwise easily accessible.
If you need to cancel an appointment or reschedule an existing appointment to a different day, please provide 24 hours notice by email at info@redmondprecision.com . If notice is not provided within this time frame, a $49.99 cancellation/reschedule fee will apply. Likewise, if Redmond Precision cancels your appointment within 24 hours notice, you will receive a free transfer or equivalent discount from your purchase.
Items not picked up after 10 business days from background check approval and initial contact are subject to a $59.99 for handguns and $79.99 for long gun storage fee per month starting on the 11th day. If accommodations are needed, please contact us ahead of time to arrange a pickup date that works for your schedule.
Items left more than 60 days are considered abandoned and will be disposed of at Redmond Precision Armament’s discretion.
If your local jurisdiction or the FBI does not reply back within the Brady or other hold times, Redmond Precision Armament will not release your serialized item until the jurisdiction responds with the required information to include NTN numbers or other relevant information necessary to complete the transaction.
All firearms come with a lock. By completing the ATF Form 4473 and before leaving with your items with Redmond Precision Armament, you certify you have received a lock. Additional locks are provided at no cost.
Use and Storage Requirements
It is advisable to have a serious discussion with family members concerning a firearm and stressing the danger of careless or unsafe use.
A basic rule in firearm safety if to never assume that a firearm is unloaded. You should treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
A firearm should always be unloaded when not in use and the ammunition stored separately from the firearm. It is generally recommended that the cylinder assembly of a revolver and the barrel assembly of a semi-automatic be removed from the frame for long term storage. Both the ammunition and the firearm should be stored in a safe place out of the reach of children.
You may be criminally and civilly liable for any harm caused by a person less than 18 years of age who lawfully gains unsupervised access to your firearm if unlawfully stored. As such, a trigger lock, gun case or other device designed to prevent unauthorized access to a firearm is strongly recommended.
The improper storage of a firearm at home could result in the arming of a criminal breaking into the home or the injury or death of a child who discovers the firearm and plays with it.
Discharging a firearm at a range without proper ear and eye protection could result in permanent damage to those senses.
For the safety of you and others, be sure the barrel is clear of any obstructions before shooting. Obstructions such as snow, dirt, excess grease or lubricating oil in the bore may cause increased pressures, which could damage the firearm and cause injury.
On a semi-automatic firearm, you should keep the safety on and/or action open unless firing.
Never put your finger on the trigger until ready to fire at a proper target. A proper target is knowing what is beyond the target and in the line of fire.
You should always keep the barrel pointed in a safe direction, even when dry firing, loading or unloading. In the event of an accidental discharge, likelihood of injury is greatly reduced if the barrel is pointed in a safe direction.
Dropping a loaded firearm may cause an accidental discharge, even with the safety on.
Bullets can glace off many surfaces like rocks, the surface of water and other surfaces. Glancing bullets travel in unpredictable directions with considerable velocity capable of causing damage, injury or death.
Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances should be avoided when using firearms. Possession and use of firearms while under the influence is unlawful and constitutes a reckless disregard for safety.
It is a felony crime to: (A) discharge a firearm in a facility or from a motor vehicle, snowmobile or off road vehicle in a manner as to endanger the safety of another person; (B) discharge a firearm at a facility that is a dwelling or occupied structure.
The safety should always be left on or in the safe position and your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Failure to do so may result in property damage, serious injury and/or death.
Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms or handling ammunition may result in exposure to lead and other substances know to cause birth defect, reproductive harm and other serious physical injury. Have adequate ventilation at all times. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure.
Safety notice to customers who purchase vintage or used firearms
Firearms that are used may have been sitting many years in unknown conditions. Used firearms should thoroughly inspected and cleaned before use which is your sole responsibility. At a minimum, the following guidelines must be completed before operating your firearm: (a) Clean the entire firearm. Ensure all grease, oil, sawdust and preservatives have been removed from all exterior and interior areas. (b) Carefully inspect the barrel. Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting. Open the action and make sure there is no ammunition in the chamber. Check the barrel for and obstructions or debris. Even a small amount of mud, excess lubricant or grease in the bore can dangerously increase pressure and cause the barrel to bulge or burst when firing. Using a cleaning rod and patch to wipe away anti-rust compounds or any other residue or obstructions in the barrel. Never try to shoot out an obstruction by loading a shell or cartridge and firing.
Additional safety points
Use only factory loaded ammunition in good condition and the proper caliber. Any person firing a weapon should make themselves familiar with its safety features and safe operation before using. We specifically disclaim any responsibility for damage or injury whatsoever, incurring as a result of the use of faulty, non-standard or remanufactured ammunition; any modifications or changes made to the firearm; improper use or unsafe handling of the weapon.
Warranty Notice
Except as may otherwise be provided by the manufacturer or supplier, which shall be the sole responsibility of the manufacturer, Redmond Precision Armament disclaims all warranties, either express, implied, written or oral, including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose. Redmond Precision Armament also disclaims any liability for any special, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever, depending on the applicable state, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply.
ATF Gun Free School Zone Notice
ATF Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice
King County R&R BOH 18-04 Statement
WARNING: The presence of a firearm in the home significantly increases the risk of suicide, homicide, death during domestic violence disputes and unintentional deaths to children, household members and others. (King County Board of Health Rule & Regulation BOH18-04) If you or a loved one is experiencing distress and/or depression, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline immediately at 1-800-273-8255, available 24 hours a day or visit https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/ to connect via web chat.
Amendments to Terms
Redmond Precision Armament reserves the right to amend these terms at any point in time for any reason.